A Northwestern employee has been awarded for being kind to students and staff at the university.

Andrea Lauderdale received the university’s Campus Kudos Award Jan. 13, university officials said in a news release.

Lauderdale, a student success coordinator and transfer student recruiter, “goes above and beyond the call of her office and makes a huge difference in the lives of Northwestern students every day,” officials said.

Sue Burks, financial aid assistant director and staff council chair, and staff council member Megan Patel, an international student adviser and administrative assistant to Student Services, presented Lauderdale with her Campus Kudos award.

“Students are always coming in and out of her office, many who need to get enrolled or get advice on what classes might be best for them (whether she’s their adviser or not), others who just need help getting something done on campus, and a few who simply need a friendly face and willing ear to listen,” said the unnamed person who nominated Lauderdale for the award. “Andrea will drop whatever she’s working on in an instant if a student walks into her office and needs help, even if it has nothing to do with her job title.

She genuinely wants to see every student succeed and enjoy their experience at Northwestern and exemplifies that in her actions every single day.”

The award is presented once each semester to a university employee.
“This makes my heart so happy,” Lauderdale said in the news release. “I love my job, coworkers, and our students here at Northwestern. I am so fortunate to be in a place that I look forward to going every day.”