By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

If you haven’t seen “Disclosure” on Netflix, I would suggest you take a look. It’s about the media’s portrayal of transgender people and how that’s affected cis people’s views of them.

You get to hear from transgender people about not having accurate people to look at in the media. Really, the media has played transgenders as creepy, psychopathic and predatory.

Whenever transgenders are shown in movies, their characters normally die early, and their deaths normally have to do with their transition, whether it be assault, cancer or another disease.

The reason I think everyone should watch this is so they can see what it’s like to be a transgender person and why there are so many misconceptions of transgender people.

They talk about good and bad portrayal, what they saw growing up in the media, the different tropes transgender movies have and much more.
It was really enlightening to see and hear first-hand experience and how it affected them and their views of themselves.

I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars. I love the diversity, the difference of opinions and all of what this movie encompasses.

I just wish there was more of it. I hope they plan on coming out with the sequel. This documentary really gives an in-depth look that normally you would miss.

I highly recommend this to anyone who’s open-minded and wants to learn more about the LGBTQ community, allies of the LGBTQ community and members of the LGBTQ community.

I feel like, as a community, one thing the LGBTQ members could do is have a better understanding of what other people go through. Not everyone’s journey is the same as yours, and I think this film shows that.