By, ERICK LIVINGSTON, Student Reporter

Quarantine is a new reality to many people around the world. So, what do you need if you’re going into quarantine? Keep reading to find out.

● A case of water: If you are going to quarantine, then water is a necessity. Buy a case or two to fight off the thirst.

● Groceries:
If you live in the dorms on campus, then food will be delivered for lunch and dinner. But the hours in between are on you. Stock up if money is tight. Go to the Campus Cabinet food pantry.

● Garbage bags: Trash builds up, and if you do not throw away the food and wrappers, the room will get smelly pretty soon.

● Shampoo/conditioner:
Just because you’re in medical isolation does not mean you can go without taking a shower. Remember to rinse and repeat.

● Clothes:
By clothes, it means to have fresh, clean clothes. You cannot wear the same outfit for two weeks, so make sure to do laundry.

● Academic tools and studying materials:
Get calculators, academic books, graphing paper, and anything else you need to make sure you have what you need for classes.

● Books: Television is not always exciting.Sometimes, a good book is needed to exercise the mind.

● Laptop: While in quarantine, most classes expect you to still complete assignments, so make sure you have your laptop or computer.

● Drawing/coloring book: Some people have artistic needs, and a great way to exercise those needs are by coloring and drawing.

● Pens/pencils: They are necessary to do homework or if you’re in a doodling mood.

● Medications: Some people need medications for sicknesses or mental health. Get a refill if you’re running low and ask your doctor for more options during quarantine.

● Gaming console: After you do all your homework like a good college student, you will have plenty of free time in quarantine. Gaming consoles have streaming networks, YouTube and music apps. They’re also a great way to connect with friends.

● Air freshener: Unless you keep your window open to air out your room, then a can of air freshener is just what you need to keep your quarantine zone fresh.

Some students on campus have been through the struggles of a quarantine. Here are some things that Collin Zink and Colton Reed were glad to have during quarantine.

Zink said: “The most thankful thing I had was my PS4 and Netflix. Those things kept me from going into cabin fever.” Reed said a “good mom” was all he really needed. “She helped by buying groceries and really just checking up on me,” he said. “I did not have a lot of people to talk to, but she definitely helped me out.”