By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

I don’t like to think about the future. It’s always stressed me out. When people ask, “What do you want to be when you’re older?” I get all flustered because I don’t know. In one of my classes this semester, we had to pick three job ads that, theoretically, if we had our degree, we would apply for. I didn’t know what to pick.

I will have my bachelor’s degree in mass communication with a minor in librarian and information sciences. But I’m not sure if I want to go into either of those fields, and as a senior, I think I should know. Looking back at my experience, I’ve worked in a daycare, a nursing home, a pharmacy, a gas station, as an editor of the newspaper and as a resident’s assistant.

I have lots of experience in multiple areas, but I don’t know which one suits me best or what I was best in. I’m just worried that I’ll apply for positions that I’ll get to and realize that I don’t have the qualifications or I’m not best fit for.

I really like my position as an RA at South Hall, and I really liked working at my mom’s daycare. So, I think I want to work with people. But I don’t know in which aspect.

I’m so jealous of those people that have natural talent and just know what they want to be. Those people who have a goal that they’re working for and know the exact plan they’re taking everything. Growing up, I wanted to be a meteorologist, or a marine biologist, or an astronaut. I did not go for any of those. I was a weird kid.

The next question is: Do I want to stay close to home? Probably not. I grew up in Kansas. I go to school in Oklahoma, and I think I just need to get away.

But to where? I’ve been looking at Arkansas. I don’t understand why my brain is just drawn to it. In particular, Eureka Springs Arkansas, but who knows. I’ll probably still be around. I don’t see myself accomplishing moving away like I had planned at the beginning of my college career.

Where do you start? How do I plan what I want to do when I don’t even know what I like to do? I guess I’m going to have to do a lot of soul-searching before the semester ends to figure out my next steps, whatever they may be.

But as I think about what jobs I want to go into, I’m overlooking the fact that I can’t graduate until I have an internship. I know it’ll be most helpful to me if I get an internship that’s in-person. But we’re in a pandemic. I’ve tried to cut off as much contact with other people as I could to be as safe as I can. I guess if you have any suggestions, let me know.