By CARSON POLK, Student Reporter

Northwestern’s football team scheduled multiple events for this semester, but most have been canceled. Only one game, scheduled for March 6 at Hays, Kansas, is on the online schedule.

Some Northwestern students said they were disheartened to hear they would not be able to support the Rangers this spring.

Gracie Scarbrough

Gracie Scarbrough, a junior business major, said she understood why the season was canceled, but was disappointed.

“I understand this decision was made with careful intent,” Scarbrough said.

“It’s just disappointing for the players and the student body because we all really enjoy watching football and supporting the Rangers.”

Erika Hernandez

Erika Hernandez, a junior education major and a manager on the team, said she is more disappointed than others.

“It definitely makes me sad that there’s only one game now,” Hernandez said. “I am part of the equipment team, so I watched the boys practice hard, preparing for the spring semester.”

Mallory Paruszewski

Mallory Paruszewski, a freshman business major and a member of the cheer team, said she was looking forward to cheering in her first collegiate game.

“It honestly makes me feel sad because a lot of freshman were looking forward to first time college football games, and for me to cheer for college football as well,” Paruszewski said.

Prior to the season’s cancellation, Northwestern students said they were excited for the season.

“This season, I was most excited about being able to finally attend some football games, and just get to experience the environment and school spirit again, after not getting to watch football for over a year,” Scarbrough said.

“I was really excited to watch my friends play,” Hernandez said. “I also just miss watching our university sporting events live. I was super excited fans were going to be able to watch in-person.”

“I was most excited to be able to cheer for my friends Grant McCook and Jake Freeny on the sidelines,” Paruszewski said.

Scarbrough and Hernandez, Northwestern upperclassmen, attended games in the 2019 season. Although the students weren’t playing the games, they were still making memories, they said.

“One of my favorite memories watching Ranger football was watching the game with friends after Ranger Preview last year when we beat SWOSU,” Scarbrough said.

“I have a lot of great memories down in the valley,” Hernandez said. “I loved watching my friends make field goals, tackle people, score touchdowns and even win Ranger King. But my favorite was celebrating on the field after a win.”

“I don’t think it will affect us bad because it will make us all anxious to get back to it next year and be more excited,” Paruszewski said about the possible effects on campus morale. “We will have more school spirit to start up all the things we have missed.”