By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

March is Women’s History Month.

I wanted to use that as an excuse to write about the wonderful ladies in my life. Of course, I have to begin with my mom, Christi.

She is someone who I want to be like when I grow up. She’s perfect. She is the toughest, smartest and sweetest person I know.

Let me also add hardworking to that list as well. She works at the courthouse in Beaver, Oklahoma, in the election board office. She helps my dad with pictures for my family’s newspaper. By “help,” I mean she edits and designs all the pictures.

With all of that, the last thing she does is help put the newspaper together every week with my dad and grandpa. She does it all without complaining, just as long she gets to go home early-ish and sit on the couch with her pajamas — and drink chocolate milk.

Wow. What a life she has. Do you see now why I want to be just like her?
I am thankful to have a mom with her support and love on a daily basis.

Another marvelous woman is my sister, Averi. I was so lucky to have a built-in best friend who is only 18 months older than me. Ever since we were little, we have been really close.

She was the reason all my teachers liked me in school. She has always been a role model for me, and I know I can always go to her with any problem I have.

Having a sister is something that is so incredible. It is even better that we go to the same college and are close in age.

My sister-in-law is a new addition to the family, and I am so glad to have her. She’s quiet compared to the rest of the family, but she is a sweet and kind person.

I am so glad my brother found her because she was exactly what he needed. They are the best and strongest people I know.

Next are my aunts on both sides of my family. Both of them fill the “aunt” role perfectly —like a mom, but cooler. My aunt Lisa has always been so fun. She was a basketball coach and a physical education teacher.

The PE teachers are always the best teachers in the school. She always is wearing the best athletic clothes and could probably still beat me in one-on-one basketball.

My mom’s sister Chanda has always been there for me to rant to when I need her. She is so easy to talk to, and when I’m with her, I feel like I’m with one of my friends.

She is way younger than my mom, so she has always felt like a friend when she’s around. I am so lucky to have the best aunts in my life.

Next are my grandmas. These ladies mean the world to me. One of them lives farther away, and the other one lives in Beaver. It is important to me to see my grandmothers as much as possible.

My grandma Darlene lives in Beaver and is my “egg hook up.” She and my grandpa have chickens, so when they have too many eggs, I get them.

One of my favorite parts about going home is dropping by their house.
My grandma Carolyn lives in Gould, so I don’t see her as much. She is so kind and wants the best for me. She is everything a grandma stands for. We as humans don’t deserve grandparents because they are so pure and perfect.

The next ladies in my life are three little girls: my cousins Malachi, Kamdon and Loralei.

Those kiddos together make the holidays and family gatherings a lot more fun.

Each one is so different from the other, and they make me so happy.

If you made it all the way to the end of this story, I hope you think about the women in your life and feel as lucky and blessed as I do.

I want to mention my friends, too. They push me to be a better person like my family does.

I have found my real friends, and I am lucky to say they have been in my life for over 10 years.

Above: Devyn Lansden is pictured with her sister Averi and cousins on Thanksgiving Day 2019
Above: Devyn Lansden is pictured with her sister Averi and her grandma Carolyn in May 2019.
Above: Devyn Lansden is pictured with her sister, sister-in-law, brother, grandmother and grandfather in September 2020.
Above: Devyn Lansden is pictured with her mom, Christi (center), her sister, sister-in-law and brother in August 2020