By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

So, it’s going to be a “not-so” rant this week. After last week’s rant, I had a lot of people check up on me, and thank you for that but I am doing OK.

Because I was able to see the signs in advance, I was able to minimize the stress on me, and I basically went “dormant” for week. I only went to things I had to be at. I didn’t cut off complete contact, but I told my suitemate in advance of what I was doing. We held each other accountable for doing our homework.

It’s taken me a long time to get to where I am with my mental health. And I know it’s a hard journey.

That being said, we do have mental health outlets on campus and in Alva.

Taylor Wilson is the director of counseling and career services on the Alva campus. She is a licensed professional counselor and behavioral health wellness coach. Her service is free to students. You can make an appointment online or call 580-327-8547. You can also email her at

If you struggle with mental health, I would also look into the mental health club on campus, Shyft. It is a great source for questions and coping skills.

Mental health is important, and I’m glad we’re finally ending the stigma of it. I like to be as open as I can about my mental health because I’m aware that it could help the people around me — or at least make them feel less alone in the situation.

I can’t stress it enough that, if you’re struggling, you should get help.

I’ve never been one to like medicine or taking pills, but my anxiety and depression medicine have really helped me this past year. I’ve even gone to the cafe and Walmart by myself a couple times, which is leaps from where I was in past years.

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is this: Don’t be afraid to say “no.”
That’s something I still struggle with. Do what’s best for you, even if it kind of makes you feel bad.

Be honest. You don’t have to tell your whole life story. Most people will not only understand, but will even offer a helping hand if you say, “Hey, can we just not today? I need to take a ‘me’ day.”
Have a good week.