By CADE KENNEDY, Student Reporter

Cards used by the Bored Gamers Club are shown in this photo.

A new club has appeared on campus, and it is receiving attention from students.

The Bored Gamers Club’s first meeting was March 3, and 12 students showed up to spend their evening playing board games. Erick Livingston, the founder of the club, welcomed the students into the Student Center, and the games began a few minutes later.

“Over the course of the pandemic, I got tired of watching the same shows over and over, so I felt it was necessary that I made a club that people would enjoy,” Livingston said.

He also said the club was originally going to be about the game Dungeons & Dragons before COVID-19 shut down the university in 2020.

Dungeons & Dragons still has a place in the club, as every Sunday will be devoted to playing the game. The club will meet at the Ranger Perk on Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Sunday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

“Why not come play a board game for a little while?” Livingston asked. “You don’t have to stay the entire time, but why not try it out?”

One of the students that decided to try out the club was Kendall Melton, who said he wanted to join the club because of his love of board games.
“Erick told me about the club, and I signed the petition to start the club,” Melton said.

Melton said he is looking forward to playing Dungeons & Dragons, which was one of the more popular games that was brought up at the meeting Wednesday night.

The university’s Student Government Association sanctioned the club during a meeting Feb. 22.

SGA President Ethan Sacket said the club will be a great networking opportunity for students with similar interests, and that it will be good to have a club where students can connect with others while taking a break.

When asked about advice to give to people considering the club, Sacket said: “I would tell them to check it out. It’s in an area close to the dorms, and you might meet great people there.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Erick Livingston is a reporter for the Northwestern News. He did not contribute to or review this story.