By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

April might be one of my favorite months.

I do not know why. Maybe because spring is here finally and all the flowers, green grass and leaves will be here soon.

It is also because there is only about a month left of school.

It is crazy to think that this time next year, I will be packing up my things and hopefully getting ready to start my real, grown-up job.

But for now, I am still focused on my work and not thinking about that just yet.

My sister will be graduating next month, and it is crazy to me. She has always been there with me through everything.

The last time she graduated, I was devastated because she was leaving me just a few months later to go to college.

Now, she is just going to be an adult. She will be right here in Alva with her boyfriend, and they will begin their grown-up lives together.

When is the right time to start thinking about the future?

When do I start looking for jobs?

These are questions I have, but I keep pushing them to the side. I do not want to look too far ahead and miss what is going on right in front of me.

I will hopefully intern here in Alva this summer so I can get that done. I am super excited about interning because it will give me a chance to see what I really want to do and what I will be good at.

For some reason, the weather makes me want to be productive.

I want to get all my work done so I can go outside and soak up the sun. This past weekend, I got a lot of homework done and rewarded myself with going to the track and running.

That sounds like someone else’s punishment. But being in the sun and exercising are my top two favorite things.

It is always nice to have your phone out of your hands and not have to worry about homework for a little bit.

This semester has flown by. I still feel like I have so many assignments left, but I am still taking everything day-by-day, trying to get as much done as I can one day at a time.

I cannot believe that this summer will be my last before I graduate. The next school year will be full of “lasts” for me.

The last first day of school, the last Thanksgiving and Christmas break. My workload will not be as intense as it is this semester, thank goodness.

Every time I get flustered with all the work I have, I remind myself that I did this to myself.

I know I will thank myself in a year because I will be in 13 hours, and I am so ready for that.

This summer, I want to do as much as possible since I will intern. I hope I learn a lot and find what I am good at as well as enjoy doing. I am going to try to be as prepared as possible, so by the time it is time to apply for jobs, I will have a good idea where I want to work.

I have so many friends graduating this semester, and they tell me they have all these options and people reaching out to them.

I am so proud of them and hope they find a great place to work. I learned from one of my teachers when you apply for a job you also need to interview them.

If you are not happy, then how can you enjoy what you do?

I think that is something I will always keep in mind when it is time for me to apply and interview for jobs.

I work in the recruitment office, and the recruiters that have been there since I have are leaving in May when they finish their master’s degrees. We all became a close group of friends, from doing mailings together and calling so many high school students in the summer time. It is something that I will always remember because I always looked forward to going to work and hanging out with my friends.

It will change so much in there because they are all so different with different personalities. They make work fun.

But change is always good, and they need to blossom, which they will do.

Just today, I filled out a degree audit, so in a few weeks, I will receive it in the mail with all the classes I have taken to officially make sure I will graduate in 2022.

I just cannot believe that it is so close. I have thought a lot about what I want to do, but a part of me is scared that I will not be able to reach it.

I love my major because I do have so many options, and I personally think I am good at a lot of these options. I have no reason to be scared or nervous, but I over-think way too much.

I have great teachers who make me greater in my skills and support me. That is why I know I will be OK, and I will reach my goals.

I hope everyone is enjoying this warm weather as much as I am. School is coming to an end soon.

Just a few more assignments, and we will be done!