By JACOB COMP, Student Reporter

Three weeks. That is all that is between seniors and graduation. On May 8, Northwestern Oklahoma State University will host spring commencement after having to cancel it last year because of COVID-19.

Four years in the making and the time has almost come for hundreds of Northwestern Oklahoma State University students. The event will take place at Ranger Field.

Spring commencement is fast approaching, and will be here before you know it.

The finish line is in sight, but that doesn’t mean the race is over.

There are still things that seniors need to get finished before they can walk across that stage.

All potential spring and summer 2021 graduates should have submitted an application for a bachelor’s degree by Feb. 27 to the Registrar’s office.

The registrar’s office will send out a letter to all those who applied to give further instructions as graduation gets closer. Students who are looking to walk at graduation will need to get a cap and gown.

Michelle Kingcade, who works in the bookstore, will help students purchase their cap and gown.

“We already bulk ordered our caps and gowns, we will send out an email and they can order their cap and gown,” Kingcade said.

After graduation is over and graduates have received their diplomas, they can go to the bookstore to purchase the case to hold their diploma.

Students who choose to send out a graduation announcement can have their announcement printed in the NWOSU print shop.

With three weeks left in the semester, it becomes easy for seniors to begin to slack off. However, now is the time to buckle down and finish strong, faculty say.

In order to do this, there are a couple things to keep in mind. A lot can change in three weeks. A single failed class now may push back graduation and force some students to have to return to NWOSU for another semester. Four years of hard work, dedication and perseverance can quickly disappear.

Finishing strong has the ability to propel graduates into their potential careers, faculty say.

As of now, there is not much for seniors to do other than buckle down and make these last weeks the best weeks of your college experience.

Stay on top of work and make sure to knock some things off the checklist for graduation, faculty say.

Northwestern graduates are pictured at a spring commencement ceremony at Ranger Field in this photo.