By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

I think we all need to take a minute and appreciate where we’re at. There’s three weeks ‘til the end of the semester, and we’ve gone through a lot this year. We need to take a step back and smell the roses.

Think about the journey it took you to get where you are right now. Think about the lessons you have learned and the knowledge you have gained.

I feel like, recently, I have noticed a lot of people not appreciating the small-town atmosphere.

I’ve spent four years in Alva, and I don’t think I’ve ever fully grasped the concept of how much this community has shaped me. Northwestern is where I began to discover who I really am.

This university provided me with a spot where I felt safe enough to be my true self, and I don’t think I would have gotten that at a lot of other campuses.

I may not technically be graduating, but with only one class left, I will have to say goodbye to many of the experiences that I’ve had over the past four years.

Even though COVID-19 put a little stop to my plans and canceled some events that I was hoping to go to, I’m not mad with the time I did get to spend here.

From behind the camera here, I’ve captured some amazing moments. And though this is not my official “goodbye” article, I do wish that everyone would just take a second and appreciate where they’re at before it is too late. I may not know what my next step, is but I do know that I can always come back to Northwestern and be greeted with open arms by the Ranger family.

To any undergraduates reading this: I know it sounds mushy, and I know that you’re sitting there not appreciating everything around you, but there will come a time for you to say goodbye. And just like high school, it’ll be hard to do.

So soak up the memories, the friendships and the experiences you can now, because eventually, they’ll be over.

Soon you’ll have to step out into the real world. That’s something I’m not ready for.

I definitely don’t feel ready to say “goodbye” to this school yet.