By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

We only have a few more days until we have a break.

I have been busy and trying not to think about fall break. But it is so close now I cannot help but be ready for it.

It is so hard to believe it is time for midterms. That cannot be right.

But it is. I feel like I was just writing about my summer, and now it is time for the first break of this semester.

But before I get too excited, I have to get through the busy Homecoming week first. I am ready for Homecoming. It has been too long. This week, we also had Freshmen Frenzy.

I feel bad for the kids who did not get to experience it last year; it is a blast.

Since I am a peer leader, my class color was green, and our team name is “Chick Hicks” from the Disney movie “Cars.”

We have to do a skit that has to be under two minutes, and our skit will be short but funny.

The class will all pretend to sit on an invisible bench. I will show up and say, “What are you guys doing? I moved the bench over there.” And they will all fall to the ground.

Freshmen Frenzy was a fun time for everyone. Unfortunately, my team did not win, but we had a lot of fun.

I think we bonded a lot more. As a peer leader, I want the kids in my class to want to talk to me as their friend.

We worked as a team in the games we had to do, and it was a successful night. That in itself is a win.

The games we played were four one-minute rounds of shooting a basketball into a trash can.

The kids in my class were the ones shooting into the trash cans, and I had to retrieve the basketball and throw back to the next person.

The next game had to deal with water. The classes had to run to the bucket and soak their sponge and run it over to their bucket.

Whoever had the most water in their bucket won. My class did well, but some of the other classes were dedicated. I know one team dipped their shoes in the bucket, and another team drank water. Whatever it takes to win, I guess.

This week is full of fun events for everyone. I am having a blast being involved with everything. It is making the semester go by so quickly. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing.

This week, I am going to live in the moment. I am going to enjoy every moment of each day.

This past weekend, I prepared for the next week, and I was the most productive I have been in a long time.

I usually wait to do laundry on Sunday, but this weekend, I did it on Saturday and had time Sunday to clean other things.

I can now say I am an early riser. I woke up without an alarm before 8 in the morning both days this weekend.
I went on a long walk both mornings with my boyfriend and got a lot of work done, too.

We went to Enid and ate sushi.

I haven’t had sushi in a long time, so we were craving it.

Walking is the best exercise, especially when the weather is nice. Both mornings, it was beautiful outside. The best weather is the early fall mornings. It isn’t too cold or too hot.

We are at the time of the season where the mornings are perfect, so I enjoy going on walks in the morning. I highly recommend going for walks every day. Grab a friend you can talk to, and just walk.

I always try to reach 10,000 steps in a day, so I am always down to go for a walk.

I hope everyone has a great break. Don’t forget to get your steps in.

Devyn Lansden (back right) is pictured above with her Ranger Connection class at Freshmen Orientation in August.