By COLLIN ZINK, Student Reporter

Tylar Thompson, a new Northwestern recruiter, is shown behind her desk in the university recruitment office. -Photo by Devyn Lansden

Northwestern has a new recruiter Tylar Thompson.

Thompson is an Alva High School graduate and a 4th generation Ranger.

Her great-grandmother attended Northwestern when the university still had the “Castle on the Hill.”

Thompson received a bachelor’s degree in mass communications with a minor in leadership.

She was involved on campus in the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and was a part of the President’s Leadership Class.

Thompson said she likes Northwestern for many reasons.

“The traditions and the family aspect are what I like the most,” Thompson said. “Once you are a part of the Ranger family, you stay a part of it.”

Thompson said she enjoys her career as a recruiter. She likes that she can help students with their future and encourage them.

She also said she thinks she‘s already made a difference here at Northwestern.

“A couple of days ago, a lady from California sent me a ‘thank you’ card saying she felt safe here.”

Thompson said she enjoys spending time with her 2-year-old son, Ace. She also likes painting for fun and being outside with family.

Thompson also encouraged anyone looking into a career of being a recruiter to try it.

“Do it,” she said, “because you are going to make a difference.”

Thompson is pictured with her 2-year-old son, Ace.

Thompson said she enjoys her new career in recruiting and helping students with their futures.