By COLLIN ZINK, Student Reporter

Halloween is just a few days away, and some students say they have fun plans for the holiday.

But not all students say they plan to celebrate it.

Chase Orrock said he does not know what he plans to do on Halloween. He said he might have baseball practice that day.

When he was a child, his favorite part of the holiday was trick-or-treating and “getting a bunch of candy.”

He said his costume from last year, based on a character from a Disney movie, is his favorite.

“I went to Walmart and created my own costume,” he said. “I was the kid from ‘Up.’”

Halloween is in fourth place on Orrock’s list of favorite holidays, following Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

Melissa Perez said she has some plans for the holiday.

“If my friends do anything, I’ll hang out with them,” she said. “If not, I’ll go home and hand out candy to kids in my neighborhood.”

Perez’s favorite part of Halloween is giving candy to trick-or-treaters. When she was growing up, her family didn’t celebrate the holiday, she said. However, she plans to dress up as Cleopatra this year.

She said Halloween is her favorite holiday because she likes the atmosphere.

Stephen “Scotty” McCluskey said he has a lot going on for Halloween.

“The first thing I’ll be doing is going to the Spanish Club Halloween party,” he said. “I am also planning on going to a haunted house, dress up and go party.”

McCluskey’s favorite parts of the holiday are getting candy and watching scary movies. His favorite costume was the cowboy outfit he wore during his freshman year of college. A Scotland native, he wore the costume because he’s in Oklahoma.

Halloween is his second favorite holiday, with Christmas being first.

Krys Johnson said he has no plans to celebrate Halloween.

“I try to stay busy during the day,” he said.

Johnson’s favorite part about Halloween is trick-or-treating, and he said he enjoys being outside with his friends.

Dressing up as a werewolf in elementary school was his favorite Halloween costume. Halloween falls in the middle on his list of favorite holidays.

Chase Orrock

Melissa Perez

Stephen “Scotty” McCluskey

Krys Johnson