By CONNOR GRAY, Assistant Editor

After a shortened season last year, the Northwestern Lady Rangers are ready to have a regular basketball season.

The Rangers will have a full 28-game schedule. Unlike in 2020, the Rangers will not play their conference opponents four times each.

The team went 6-14 last season. It didn’t have much depth to work with because some players opted out.

Because of coronavirus restrictions last season, the players had to follow protocols practice and only prepared to play conference opponents.

“It’s been a lot easier without the masks and having to social distance,’’ said head coach Tasha Diesselhorst. “Things have flown a lot more fluently this year, and the girls are ready for a real home crowd.”

Josena Frame, a sophomore guard, said she is also glad to have a normal season.

“It’s great being able to travel, and last year was tough because we played the same teams four times, so it was the same scouting report every week,” Frame said.

Frame also said that, although the key goal is to win a championship, she and the team want to leave the program better than where they found it.

Carly Craig, a freshman guard, is a new teammate from Blanchard. Getting to experience college-level playing is new for her.

“The speed and the intensity, the game is a lot faster at the college level, and the players are a lot better,” Craig said.
Craig has also embraced the team and enjoys being with her teammates.

She said it is a family atmosphere.

The team has five seniors, with Bailey Brown and Scout Frame returning this year. The team also has some experience from some of the underclassmen.

The season for the Rangers starts against the University of Central Oklahoma and Northeastern State University in Edmond Nov. 12 and 13.