By GAVIN MENDOZA, Student Reporter

Northwestern students say the university is a friendly place, and it can only get friendlier as the school celebrates World Kindness Day on Friday. But just how important is kindness, and how do we see it at Northwestern?

Felecia Bueno, a sophomore nursing major said Northwestern students and faculty are kind.
“Everyone on campus is friendly,” Bueno said. “Walking around campus, friends, teammates and professors always say ‘hello.’”

Kindness means doing something nice for someone when you do not have to, and it can be something small, such as holding a door or giving a compliment, Bueno said. Doing these things is important because people all too often treat people poorly, she said.

“It creates a good environment on campus that isn’t always there in the real world,” Bueno said.

Chase Hamilton, a freshman agricultural business major, said being kind is about being there for being others when they need you.

“Being an active listener, helping someone out with whatever they need, caring about someone else’s thoughts and feelings is what kindness is about,” Hamilton said.

Professor Dena Walker is someone whom Hamilton said is kind and helpful. She always cares about what students have to say and do, Hamilton said.

Kindness can be found all over Alva, but not always in other parts of the world, Hamilton said.

“I’d like to see other people appreciate those around them more and be respectful towards others,” Hamilton said.

Adrianna Gutierrez, a freshman nursing major, said she believes the world could learn a thing or two from the way people treat one another at Northwestern.

“I believe Northwestern is a kind campus because of the friendly students and staff members that create a great atmosphere,” Gutierrez said. “Outside of Northwestern, while I believe many people are kind, there is always room for improvement.”

Gutierrez is a member of the Northwestern girls’ soccer team.

She said h coach Maddy Reed is someone who has displayed kindness because she is always willing to listen to others. Listening is vital to being kind, Gutierrez said.

“Something I would like people do more often to be kind is to help others around them, and to think before they speak,” she said.

Felecia Bueno

Chase Hamilton

Adrianna Gutierrez