By BENJAMIN KLIEWER, Senior Reporter

The search for a new Northwestern president entered the next phase after the Regional University System of Oklahoma hired a search firm to find presidential candidates.

The firm Higher Education Leadership Search is tasked with advertising the president’s job, seeking out candidates for Northwestern and compiling candidates’ application materials, said Sheridan McCaffree, executive director of the Regional University System of Oklahoma.

The search firm was hired in late January, and the university’s next president is expected to be named by the end of April. Northwestern President Dr. Janet Cunningham is retiring in June, ending her 16-year presidency.

As part of the recruitment process, the search firm has prepared a package of information for candidates that details the president’s job requirements and qualifications. It also provides information about Northwestern and Alva.

In the informational packet, search firm officials list several essential responsibilities for the president.

Officials wrote that the president is expected to “ensure NWOSU maintains the highest level of compliance with all accrediting bodies for academic programs,” “execute thorough, astute financial management and approval of the annual institutional budget” and “spearhead the development, communication and implementation of effective growth strategies and processes through shared governance.”

Officials wrote that the president must have “interpersonal skills to interact effectively with RUSO and OSRHE [Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education], elected officials, and governmental bodies, in addition to students and parents, various constituencies of NWOSU, alumni, advancement, media, and the community at large.”

The president must also have “strong, proven leadership skills in strategic planning; organizational improvement and accountability; fiscal planning and responsibility,” officials wrote.

A full description of the job responsibilities and requirements is found on the Higher Education Leadership Search’s website. To view it, look under the “Searches” tab or follow the link, https://

Northwestern is not the only college in the RUSO system searching for a new president. East Central University is in the same process, and regents hired the same search firm to recruit.

McCaffree said RUSO officials hope that having two presidential searches at the same time will create a synergistic effect and attract more attention to both universities.

Information from a profile of the university president’s job compiled by the Higher Education Leadership Search is shown on the firm’s website.