By REBECCA WAGNER, Student Reporter

Laci Davidson holds the position of financial manager for the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association.

Laci Davidson first left a mark at Northwestern by being part of the 2006 President’s Leadership Class under President Janet Cunningham.

She now works as the financial manager for the Northwestern Foundation and Alumni Association.

“I do all the financial parts,” Davidson said. “I actually do the HR portion, so I make sure everyone gets paid here and I also cut checks.

“I manage all of our invest accounts and log all the investment accounts.”

Davidson also takes part in keeping track of scholarship and custodial funds, as well as reimbursements.

Before beginning to work with money, Davidson looked into many areas before finding her passion.

After one semester at Northwestern, Davidson transferred to massage therapy school for two years.

Davidson then transferred to Oklahoma State University and graduated with a bachelor’s in strategic communications.

After her graduation, she moved to Kansas City to venture into another potential career path.

Davidson worked for the Kansas City Chiefs for brief period while also working for a non-profit called Shadow Buddies.

Shadow Buddies is a foundation that helps with emotional support through education regarding illness, disabilities and medical treatments.

A job working as a legislative assistant in Oklahoma City brought Davidson back to the state.

After her time in the capitol, Davidson started to work in banking, a field she stayed in for 10 years.

Seeking change, she moved back to northwest Oklahoma and started working for the Foundation.

“When I went to school here [Northwestern], I loved it,” Davidson said. “It’s a good balance of family and work. To me, it’s small enough I don’t feel like I’m a number, and I don’t feel like I’m just an employee. I feel like I can have a personal impact.”

Davidson’s role for the Foundation is essential for the company to operate.

The Northwestern Foundation and Alumni Association exists to help manage the donations that are given to the university.