By LIBERTY GOODNOW, Student Reporter

A former university choir performs in the Alva Bus Barn for “Soundscapes” in spring of 2016 under the direction of Dr. Karsten Longhurst.

The Alva Bus Barn will be filled with beautiful music this Saturday, according to Northwestern choir members.

Jameson Hale, a music education major, said the choirs have been rehearsing nonstop to prepare for the annual “Soundscapes” concert.

They are going to clean out the entire building and bring in risers, a sound shell and sound equipment.

The bus barn, 230 Choctaw St., is the old armory building Alva Public Schools now uses to park school vehicles in.

“We are polishing up the program and look forward to showing off our art,” Hale said.

The name of the performance has a story behind it. Soundscapes are pieces of music chosen for a certain situation or place, so singers have to choose specific pieces of music that will reach the audience in a special way.

“The way our voices sound with the certain songs we picked will create a very different, colorful sound,” Hale said. “It’s very beautiful and warm.”

The performance will begin at 7 p.m. and last around two hours. It will consist of 13 to 15 songs, and some instruments will be involved as well.

The piano, guitar, violin, and possibly an organ will be featured.

“We are going to be making some pretty crazy noises without instruments as well: stomps, claps, yips, chants, all kinds of fun madness,” Hale said.

Some songs Hale said he is looking forward to the most are “Earthsong,” “O Weep Mine Eyes” and “To The Wonder” because it is one of the commissioned pieces written by Dr. Kira Rugen. She and Longhurst collaborated with a German poet to create the piece. The name translates to the phrase “Do not grow tired” in German.

“Truthfully, I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction on everyone’s face when they hear our voices mash up in the bus barn on these specific pieces,” Hale said. “It will sound like angels have joined the room.”