By Chance Love, Student Reporter

Crystal Gillett is a new nursing professor at Northwestern.
A native of Covington, Gillett earned an associate’s degree from Northern Oklahoma College and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Northwestern. She is working on her master’s degree in nursing education.

Q: What brought you to Alva?
A: I really liked the culture from my bachelor’s studies, and some of the instructors I like are there now. I think they have a really good team in place.

Q: What are you looking to accomplish in the classroom this school year?
A: I’ve never been in education, so I want to gain knowledge but also be a strong support system.

Q: Who was your hero growing up?
A: My parents. They worked multiple jobs so I could enjoy the stuff I did. I’ve always looked up to them.

Q: What is the scariest thing you have done?
A: I’ve seen COVID, the unknown, a lot of unexpected in what could happen.

Q: What is your super power?
A: Seeing the good in everything. It’s a scary world out there, so being able to look past it.