Fall commencement at Northwestern Oklahoma State University will take place at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Percefull Fieldhouse.

Randy Smith, a Northwestern graduate and former athletic director, will serve as the graduation speaker.

Smith arrived at Northwestern in 1971 and played baseball for four years. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 1975 and returned to get his master’s degree in 1978.

Smith also was the housing director and baseball coach for years until he became athletic director. Smith was inducted into the Northwestern Hall of Fame in 2005.

About 90 students will graduate, so officials will not sell tickets to cap attendance. Students will need to be there 45 minutes early to be ready for the ceremony

A reception for the graduates will take place after the ceremony around 4:30 p.m. in the Student Center. It is open to all graduates, family members friends and any other guests. Cookies and punch will be served. Guests are welcome to bring dishes of their own for the graduates.

The Northwestern band will play during the ceremony, and some members will play a brass quintet.
A live internet stream of the graduation can be found at: www.youtube.com/NWOSURangers.