By Gavin Mendoza, Senior Reporter

Snow fell last week for the first time since students have been back in Alva. Some acted like it was just another Tuesday, while others were excited and surprised.

After what has been a relatively warm winter compared to past years, students were greeted by small snowflakes Jan. 24.

For some, seeing snow is nothing out of the ordinary, but for others, this may have been the first time they have ever seen it.

“I don’t see snow all the time, so for me, I always like to watch it fall for a little and try to enjoy it when it does happen,” said Rachel Brown, a sophomore biology major from Pomona, California.

Students like Brown do not see snow at all at home, so it is always fun to watch the flakes fall for the first time, she said.

“The one thing I do not like is how cold it gets,” Brown said.

With snow comes the cold weather, and as the snow came down throughout the day, students continued to layer up.

“Living in Texas, we never see snow, so while it was cool to see it, I had to make sure to throw some extra clothes on and a beanie because I was cold,” said Jackson Dillingham, a freshman from Frisco, Texas.

As Dillingham described his experience, more students walked around with sweatshirts, jackets and beanies.

The snow began to get heavy, but nothing was sticking to the ground around campus.

Students who wanted a snow day did not get lucky, but Max McClain didn’t mind. He is used to colder weather.

“Where I come from in Colorado, it takes a lot more than this to get school off and have a snow day,” McClain said.

McClain is a junior from Arvada, Colorado, who is used to the snow.

“It was just another Tuesday for me,” McClain said.