BCM students participate in Collegiate Week.

By Alli Schieber
Features Editor

Aug. 6-10, Baptist Collegiate Ministry members got the opportunity to go to Collegiate Week at Falls Creek.

Falls Creek is regarded as the biggest church camp in the nation and usually caters to high school students. The last week, however, is for college students and focuses on how they can impact their campuses.

“Collegiate week has personally encouraged me to continue to follow my faith and dedicate more time and everything to God in everything that I do,” master’s student from Mooreland Chris Kaincaid said “He’s given me this reassurance and calling to know that I am capable of doing what needs done because God wants me to do it.”

The week was encouraging for the BCM leadership team and they are excited for the new school year.
During collegiate week they have breakout sessions with all sorts of people including authors and BCM directors.

One of these breakouts was led by Steve Shadrack. His session was on how to make disciples.
Kaincaids favorite memory from the week was attending Shadrack’s breakout session and visiting with him after. He even received one of Shadrack’s books from him so that he can read and learn more.
Kaincaid said that you can look forward to the BCM being more involved on campus this year and more events than they have done in the past.

The BCM has several different events they do including pancake night, which had just taken place Tuesday. Kaincaid said this is his favorite BCM event.