By Alli Schieber
Features Editor

Constitution Day is a national holiday observed at most educational institutions from primary schools to college.

NWOSU willl be having an event to celebrate Constitution Day in the student ballroom Sep 19 from 12 p.m. to 1-1:30 p.m.

Constitution Day icreases awareness of the constitution and its role in civic education so people can understand the constitution more clearly.

“These celebrations are meant to kind of talk about the history of it and how we got it.” said Dr. Aaron Mason, professor of political science and co-executive director of NWICS.

This year the Constitution Day event will be called “The U.S. Constitution and the Historic Issue of State and Federal Power” and will discuss the topic of federalism and how it is relevant today.

The guest speaker at the event will be Dr. Nathan Coleman, history professor at the University of Cumberlands in Kentucky.

Dr. Coleman has published two books that both discuss conception and the political debate over federalism.

Dr. Mason will be interviewing Dr. Coleman and then open the floor for questions at the end. They will discuss how the relationship between federal and state governments and how they have changed over time.

There will be light refreshments served at the event is come and go.