Student Reporter

After a weekend of four losses in the Gorilla Classic, the Lady Rangers volleyball team came out to win Tuesday night and did just that. NWOSU beat Southeastern Oklahoma State Storm 3-2.

The Pit was packed for the home opener that saw the two teams taking turns winning the sets, with NWOSU starting it off.

The first set of the night set the tone for the entire evening with the Lady Rangers starting off strong, making a 7-0 run after the score by the Storm. Macy Shreffler’s kill put the Rangers up 23-19. In a last-ditch effort to make a comeback, the Storm took a second timeout to regroup. The Lady Rangers left the first set victorious 25-19.

The Lady Storm fought for vengeance in set two finally winning 20-25 over the Rangers.
Then it was the Rangers’ turn to take set three 25-20 with Camrae Jones and Mariela Jimenez both making crucial plays.

The Storm fought hard to win the fourth set with the score tied up several times before finally winning 25-22.

In the final set, freshman Ivanny Blackwood’s ace got the crowd pumped. Then a huge kill by Erika Soriano put the Rangers in the lead 8-7.

The Storm scored off a kill, to which the Ranger responded. The Rangers took a crucial timeout to regroup. After another point by Sheffler, an error by the Storm put the Rangers once again in the lead. The Rangers then scored the final point of the set, winning 15-13 and the match 3-2.

Carmae Jones (1) goes up to spike the ball during the 3-2 win over Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Photo by J.D. Eddy