Guest Columnist

When I was still in high school, I was stuck between choosing two colleges: Northwestern and Wichita State.

One of my main goals when reaching adulthood was, and still is, to move out of my small town and into a more populated area for personal reasons I will not be discussing in this paper.

My parents, however, insisted I pick Northwestern, as it was not only cheaper but closer to where I live, so they could still keep in contact with me.

Now, as a freshman at NWOSU, I would like to say that my experience at this college has been a lot better than I imagined it to be. You see, one of my main worries when I first started college was that I either wouldn’t get along with my fellow students, or would have a hard time finding my way around. Luckily, neither scenario happened.

On the day of freshman orientation, the students and faculty members involved in the event were both very polite and were patient with all my questions.

The following week when I got to meet all my professors for the semester, the first thing I noticed was that, though they were all different in some way, age, sex, color, hair, height, body shape, my mentors all had one thing in common: They were all eager to do their jobs.

None of my professors, not a single one, came off as jaded, indolent or like they didn’t care if we passed or failed their class. All of them listened to what I had to say, even if I had asked three questions five minutes ago.

My suitemates are all modest and friendly towards me. Never do I ever feel like I was annoying them when I struck up a conversation.

My current roommate, Zayne, is a kind young man; asking me if I’m okay when I’m tired, always letting me know where he’s going and being overall cooperative with me.

This, in my opinion, is what brings me the most comfort living in the college dormitory, as the one thing I feared when moving in was having a roommate that didn’t clash well with me. I was worried that me and him would be arguing over the littlest of things every day.

Now, I will rate my time at NWOSU on a scale of ten. And I’m proud to announce my rating, dear readers, is a 10/10.

The professors are good at what they do, the students are polite and courteous and I always have plenty of time to do my homework.

If you’re a recently graduated high school student, and are looking for a college that’s both affordable and welcoming, I’d recommend this one.

However, I’m also aware that, because I’ve only been here for two months, my rating could very possibly go down depending on what events may transpire in the future.

Nonetheless, I believe that I was right to choose NWOSU as my university.

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