Editorial Editor

UFO’s have been discussed more and more in recent news.

Back in late July, at a congressional hearing, an Airforce Veteran claimed that the United States government had vehichles from non-human origins with dead pilots.

This went viral on social media and spread the idea that the government confirmed the existence of extraterrestrials.

Last week, Mexico hosted a congresional hearing on UFO’s where a journalist claimed that they had evidence of non-human life; this also went viral.

Various social media platforms were spreading the idea that extraterrestrial aliens were confirmed real by actual government agencies.

Each of these incidents were not actually confirmed by the governments that various social media posts claim that they were.

If they were not valid claims, why are people spreading them around and why are people so excited over them?

The search for other life may be widespread, even being featured in many of today’s tv shows, movies and video games, but this does not mean that it should go on.

While a fun idea, I cannot believe a meeting between two planetary cultures, such as the human race on Earth and a different extraterrestrial race on a completely different planet, could go well.

We have lots of problems on our own planet to figure out and solve and adding an issue of navigating this phenomenon is not necessary.

I am also a nonbeliever in the idea that there is intelligent life in a distance that we could reach from Earth. If there were real aliens like the ones featured in our media, I think we would have found them already.

Does this mean that people should stop looking?

While the search for aliens seems like it is going nowhere, it has lead to passion for exploration and discovery. Its a fun idea to think that there are others out there and it encourages people to learn more about the universe.

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