Features Editor

It is important to stay healthy and not just physically.

Staying healthy mentally is just as important as staying healthy physically.

If your mental health is struggling then you may want to use some of the resources on campus.
If you are stessed or anxious you can try these tips school counselor Taylor Wilson gave, meditating or talking to a friend.

Some of these resources include TAO Connect and counselling.

TAO has several different training programs for anxiety to help you among other programs as well.

TAO has several different ways to use it’s content including individual self-directed, skill development program, group training, treatment programs, individual treatment and coursework embedded.

These are used depending on what the program is being used for. It could be used for higher ed, healthcare, employers and mental health.

If you would rather make and appointment with our school counselor Wilson it is simple and can be done one of two ways.

Setting up an appointment with the school counselor is easy and can be done online by going to or you can go by her office in Ryerson Hall and scan the QR code outside her door for non-emergency appointments.

NWOSU also has an iPad available when you call the campus police.

The iPad will have a form to fill out and will tell you and the police what needs to be done next and whether or not you will need to go to the hospital.

In case of an emergency call 911 first.

Another great resource is the 988 lifeline.

The lifeline is a suicide and crisis lifeline.

This resource is a national and state lifeline and is open 24/7.

They will help you with whatever is needed and can get more help if that is what they think is best for you.

Conversation helps but sometimes just calling 988 is not enough.

Mental health is healthcare and some cases may need to be sent to urgent care or checked into a crisis center.

September is suicide prevention month and if you are concerned for a friend you can also use any of these sources to help them.

If you talked to your friend and feel like more action needs to be taken.

Wilson, also reccommended going with a friend or being with a friend when they contact these resources if they are nervous or scared.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide do not hesitate to use the resources NWOSU has.

People getting the help they need mentally is just as important as getting physical help and there are several sources to help you in many ways with both emergencies and non-emergencies.