THE TURBO RANGER-Joshua Christopher

In a season filled with nail-biting matches and impeccable defensive play, the Lady Rangers soccer team has interesting statistic with eight consecutive ties on the season. With a stat line like this, you can only imagine the type of players who are out there competing at a high level and the crucial role played by their defense.

Some games resulting in 0-0 or 2-2, nevertheless in this challenging stretch, the Lady Rangers have demonstrated an uncanny ability to hold their ground against some of the toughest opponents in the league such as Southeastern Oklahoma and Harding.

We all want to win, and I’m sure everyone hates losing but when you’re in a sport like soccer, teams are bound to tie, which says a lot for both teams come game day.

Senior goalkeeper Maggie Koster who plays a pivotal role in their defense continues to display her skills and athleticism with numerous amount of saves and 2x Goal Keeper of the Week this season. (quote)
The Lady Rangers ability to maintain composure under pressure does not go unnoticed by their fans. The team’s tenacity and determination is a reflection of the standard their coaches hold them to.

Despite the series of draws, they are not content with merely earning a point or two in each match. They remain determined to convert their defensive skillset into victories, while continuing to build on their record and stack wins.

With only two games left in 2023 season, the team was keying in on Southern Nazarene Wednesday night at home (after the newspaper has gone to the press), followed by Oklahoma Baptist next week on Nov. 4 in Shawnee, at 3 p.m.

Senior Callie Haneborg prepares to take a shot Oct. 25 against East Central. The game ended in a 1-1 tie, the eighth tie this season. Photo by J.D. Eddy.