By JAXYN CLOUD, Student Reporter

Dr. Adam Alber earned his doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of Oklahoma in June of 2024. At OU, Alber had all types of graduate teaching experiences. He was a teacher’s assistant for six years. He has taught science classes to first semester freshmen all the way to last semester seniors. Alber started his journey with education in high school, teaching students music lessons.

Dr. Adam Alber

Q: What sold you on coming to NWOSU?
Well my P.I. [principal investigator], back in graduate school, knew Dr. [Jason] Wickham very well, and he had suggested that I come here because you guys really needed a new chemist. With my experience and my background, I figured that I’d be able to help you guys out, and certainly being so close by was very helpful with moving and things like that. So it seemed like a good fit at the time.

Q: What is one of the first goals you hope to accomplish here?
Well I always like to think that my primary goal is always education, is trying to help people understand chemistry and learn about science and STEM. For me, my primary goal is in education. I want to foster growth and learning in my classroom.

Q: What is your favorite class to teach and why?
I know my answer should be organic chem, because that’s what my background is in, but so far it has been very fun to teach chem for non-majors, as that allows me to be funny and joke around. I definitely have been enjoying teaching the chemistry for non-majors course but the organic chemistry really is close to home for me, so different passions in different directions, but I love them both.

Q: What is your superpower?
Being energetic in the morning, even though I am about to fall asleep.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
I’ve got a few. I am a dual citizen of the United States and Switzerland. I also minored in French. I’ve been speaking French for almost 20 years. I am also a harpist. I’ve been playing the harp for probably more than 20 years.