By TARA OWENS, Senior Reporter

The Woods County Free Fair starts Thursday.

The fair will be at the Woods County Fairgrounds from Thursday through Saturday.
Exhibits must be dropped off by 5:30 p.m. on Thursday. The hours of the fair are 3-9 p.m. on Thursday, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.-noon on Saturday.

The free fair offers something for everyone.

A few areas include sewing, photography, baking and many more exhibits, along with countless divisions of animals, plants and homegrown vegetables.

Susan Holliday, Woods County Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H educator, encourages all member of the community and Northwestern students to come see all that the free fair has to offer.

“We try to add new projects and areas for exhibitors to enter in to change it up each year,” Holliday said.

A favorite aspect of the fair for many is the ice cream tasting. Holliday said the homemade ice cream contest is back this year. It will be on Thursday at 7 p.m. The prize for the first-place winner will be $100.
Another activity that will be happening on Thursday night is the haybale decorating contest.

The haybales are provided, however, supplies are not provided. First place winner will win a gift card.

“I love the haybale decorating contest,” said Laura Radford, Woods County Free Fair vice president. “Last year we made a jack-o- lantern and had a great time.”

College students are welcome to enter in any of the open categories at the free fair this year.

Chloe Bradt, Elementary Education major from Alva, has entered baked goods into the fair for many years.

“Baking is one of my favorite hobbies, and the fair is an amazing way for me to be able to do what I enjoy,” Bradt said.

This year will mark the second year for the dog show at the fair. The classes include a trick class, obedience and costume. The dog show will be on Saturday at 1 p.m.

Prizes will also be given out to the winners of the show.

More information regarding the Woods County Free Fair, the fair books and entry tags can all be found at the Woods County Extension Center located on the first floor of the Woods County Courthouse.