By DERRICK GALINDO, Senior Reporter

After a scorching summer, the Alva city’s public pool will be open next year after nearly half a decade of closure.

A new building at the Alva pool is almost finished. (Photo by Ingrid Maldonado)

The Alva public pool used to be a summertime attraction, but closed in 2018 due to inability to operate with modern health codes.

With every passing summer getting hotter and hotter, the lack of a pool for Alva showed.

Tyler Detring, president of Ascend Commercial Buildings who oversaw construction, said it was certainly a shame that the pool was closed for so long.

Detring also said the hardest part to building the new pool wasn’t even constructing the pool, but getting funds for the pool.

Due to the size of the project and the town of Alva’s size, it’d be a big ask.

Detring said, however, the Alva community responded with overwhelming support.

While the pool itself is built from the ground up, there will be more than just a pool.

From climbing walls to a hoop for basketball; the new pool will have more opportunities for aquatic fun for Alva to dive right into.

Detring said I am looking towards Alva’s future. He was happy to get a new pool.

“I’m a Northwestern graduate,” Detring said, “and Alva’s a real special place to me.”