Emmett Edler walked away as the Men’s All Around Champion at the Kansas State rodeo last weekend.

Emmett Edler

Edler placed sixth in the calf roping and second in steer wrestling.
Colter Snook and Cale Morris placed first in team roping.
The men’s team tied for fourth while the women’s team came in third. In the Central Plains Region, men are sixth and women third.
Other results:
Calf Roping:
Logan Mullin- 8th; Kerry Duvall- 9th; Jacob Haren- 12th
Breakaway Roping:
Payton Dingman: 6th; Morgan Poust- 12th
Steer Wrestling:
Tevin Cowan- 6/7th
Goat Tying:
Payton Dingman- 2nd; Savannah Greenfield- 5th, Dale Lee Forman- 11th

Jacob Haren ties the calf’s legs during a recent rodeo team practice.
Photo by Ingrid Maldonado