Opinion Editor

NWOSU is a university that includes a diversity of sports and other activities; one of the many activities in campus is rodeo.

I am not a big fan of rodeo, and I also do not find any interest in it, but I see how students and people around town get excited for the event.

Rodeo seems like an ideal event to come to as a family and enjoy the show that people around the state practice for us.

I appreciate all the love and effort that the athletes put into the rodeo.

I always find it entertaining watch the rodeo. There are usually many things that as an audience you can do at the rodeo. For example, watch the show, go try the local food, see what they have in the small market stands. .

It is enjoyable to know that the NWOSU rodeo is being supported and has been supported by multiple people and companies from town.

Rodeo, of course, is not like the rest of the other sports that mainly involve some sort of ball.

In rodeo, you still have to learn multiple skills to be able to perform many of the events. You’re required to have balance, resistance, strength, and really focus on making an excellent performance.

If you are one of those people who are very competitive, rodeo may be a sport you could be interested in. Having some unique skills and being capable of doing better results than the other athletes participating is what really puts you on the spot of being one of the best.

Many people might not be aware that doing rodeo is not only about doing your performance and making the best score out of everyone. Those students participating in rodeo need to have knowledge not only about the experience of the events, but also about how to take care of their horses, saddles, ropes and other equipment.

It is admirable to see these student athletes perform their sport in front of massive audiences that not only come from their hometown but from all over the state and even other states.

We are surely proud of those who are brave enough to participate in the rodeo. It does not always look like a safe sport at all, but it does keep the audience attached to their seats, watching those young adults risking it all during their performances.

Thankfully, here at NWOSU we have a professional rodeo coach and rodeo student athletes who can perform an amazing show that delights audiences of all ages.

Hopefully our rodeo team has a succesful season full of memorable moments, exciting performances and most importantly fun since these athletes are putting their heart and soul out there doing what they enjoy the most.