Decorations Top 3


  1. Spirit Sheet
  2. Spirit Board
  3. Door/Wall
  4. Window/Office
  5. Dorm


  1. Chemistry Club, The Wesley House, Ranger Business club
  2. Spanish Club, Castle Players, Psychology Club
  3. Student Support Services, Housing, Graduate Students
  4. Business Office, HR/Payroll Office, Wellness Center
  5. Cunningham Hall, Coronado Hall
Ranger Band cheers after they finished playing a song at the bonfire on Monday. Photo by Alli Schieber.
Business Office Window/Office winner. Photo by Alli Schieber.
The dorm winner, Cunningham Hall. Photo by Alli Schieber.
Chemistry Club Spirit Sheet Winner. Photo by Alli Schieber.
Spanish Club Spirit Board Winner. Photo by Alli Schieber.
Student Support Services Door/Wall winner.
Northwestern softball team, cheers amd holds up signs to support Ranger volleyball as they take on the SWOSU Bulldogs on Tuesday for SGA’s Blackout event for homecoming week.
Brenda Lezama gets crowned as Freshman Queen 2024 by Freshman Queen 2023 Abby Guffy. Photo by Ingrid Maldonado.
Queen candidates: Tara Owen, Diamond Hilton and Mary Kate Foster
King candidates: Chris Perez, Marshal and Jalen Ghee

The Ranger Royalty canidates will be at many of the homecoming events this week including Miss Cinderall and the parade. Ranger Queen and King will be announced at halftime of the football game which will be at 3 p.m. on Saturday.