Staff Reporter

It is time to apply for the annual Ranger Royalty competition at Northwestern. Applications will be available on Friday outside of the Student Government Association office, room 126 in the Fine Arts building.

Three positions are open:  Ranger King, for male students who are currently enrolled at Northwestern; Ranger Queen, for female students who have finished a semester at Northwestern and have completed at least 31 credit hours; and Freshmen Queen, for female students that have completed 30 credit hours or less.

Application requires a $20 entry fee, payable at time of entry.

Entry forms and application fees need to be turned in by 5 p.m. Sept. 24 to the Student Services office Fine Arts 126.

Students are encouraged to create campaigning materials such as posters. Each participant is allowed a 22-inch by 23-inch poster that will only be allowed to hang in certain areas around campus, but contestants will be allowed to hang an unlimited number of 9-inch by 12-inch posters around campus.

The winners of the Ranger Royalty competition will be crowned at Ranger Field during halftime of the Homecoming football game Oct. 18.

Student Government Association President Tatum Hansen said the goal of the Ranger Royalty “is to promote friendly competition among the students so that they can get a chance to recognize how outstanding some of their peers truly are.”

Hansen said anyone nervous about running for Ranger Royalty shouldn’t be.  “This is not like the high school prom king or prom queen because this competition is based on how involved you are with the campus clubs and organizations. This competition has nothing to do with popularity.”  She called the competition “a wonderful opportunity to break out of your shell and see what college has to offer. College is a great new beginning in your life and what you get out of college is dependent on what you put into it, so you have the ability to make these next few years the best years of your life.”