Staff Reporter

It usually begins with what looks like a mass procession. That is what the scene resembles when the students are communing to the Ranger Field for the pep rally. Some get to the venue by foot while others ride in their cars. The students usually want to arrive early to be part of the first 250 students who are given a free Northwestern t-shirt for the occasion. It’s amazing to be part of an atmosphere of bliss and affinity for the Ranger sports teams. However, a greater sense of belonging is felt if one wears a t-shirt as support for the teams.

This years’ Ranger Rally was no different as the students queued for t-shirts and food at the Ranger football field. The athletes were on the turf exhibiting with the skills peculiar to their disciplines.

The student body sat in the stands and watched them while enjoying their food.  The Ranger dance team thrilled the audience with a lollapalooza dance performance as the start to the event.

The cheerleaders continued with an awesome display as well. After the performances, the raffle draws were held.

Northwestern President Janet Cunningham and coaches addressed the student body. Cunningham inspired the students, speaking on the need to support the teams, and expressed her optimism for a successful sports season for the Ranger nation.

Coach Jones followed in the same vain but talked about the cross country results in addition. The rodeo team coach spoke next and resounded his perception for a bright season. The female soccer coach congratulated the team for their win and urged them on for more glory this season.

Coach Turco as well reiterated the desire for the football team to make the school proud and the high confidence level of the team.