Student Reporter

The current artist in residence is Radhika Prabhu from Bangalore, India.

Rhadika was born and raised in Bangalore and took dance at around 7 years old, but she didn’t get serious about it until 13 or 14. “I love the visual arts.” Prabhu said. She recently got her Masters degree in fine arts at Chelsea College of Art and Design in London. She paints, draws, and writes as well. She unfortunately had to leave London just a year after she got there once she had received her Masters.

Rhadika has an impressive amount of achievements for only being 27. She has had 2 books Published “Snatches of Sunshine” in 2011 and “Mid Light” which was actually done just last month. They are both collections of poems, the first collection was based on her first solo art exhibition and the poems were next to the images adding a new layer to the art. Her second book was a collection of poems and short stories that she wanted to prove that her writing could be stand-alone and not need the visual aspect her last book had.

Most of her dance is traditional which is what she grew up performing; her favorite music is also traditional, though she says she likes anything you can move to. When I asked her what she likes most about dance she said, “You have an immediate connection with yourself, it’s different from painting or drawing, you and the art are not separate, you are the art.”

You can follow Radhika’s blog at and on that site there is a link to her website where you can find out more about her.