Student Reporter

IMG_0391Rangers soccer grabbed a 2-1 win against rival Southwestern Oct. 30 as seven seniors said goodbye after their last game in a Ranger uniform.

Seniors Kaitlyn O’Toole, Ellen Trotter, Emily Witty, Sarah Witty, Andrea Thompson, Courtney Herian and Pati Iranzo made up seven of the 11 starters last week against the Bulldogs. Friends, family and many Northwestern fans and faculty were in attendance to honor the seniors on Senior Day.

Each senior received a bouquet of flowers and a picture signed by all their teammates from head coach Kasey Mahaffey and assistant coach Brittany Bunch before play got underway. As the special moment came to an end, both coaches told the girls “Game time girls, game time.”

Northwestern was facing the Bulldogs for the second time this season. They fought to a 0-0 draw after 120 minutes in the first game. This game would have the Rangers prevailing over the Bulldogs for the first time under coach Mahaffey.

When play began in the first half, it was mirror image of game one between the two. Both teams went back and forth as neither was able to finish their shots.

With only a 1:30 left in the first half, Ranger O’Toole was able to get her midfield shot to just bounce over Southwestern goalie Courtney Flores and straight into the net, breaking the 0-0 deadlock. After the game, O’Toole said, “I honestly did not know how to react. I was so overjoyed. It was kind of hard to take it all in. I just wanted to stand there and take in every ounce of sweat, blood, tears and everything else I’ve shed on that field for that game.”

As play continued after halftime, the Rangers took full control of the game. Just two minutes into the half, Ranger Arlet Polack made a diving header that was set up by a cross from the Rangers leading scorer for the season, Leidiane Capobianco. The goal from Polack lengthened the Rangers lead to 2-0.

After the goal, Rangers Capobianco, Alyssa Williams and Polack again had several great shots on the goal throughout the remainder of the half. Each one of the shots though was either denied by Bulldog Flores or just off the mark.

With three minutes remaining in the second half, coach Mahaffey subbed in the remainder of the seniors who were subbed out earlier in the game.

“It was bittersweet,” said seniors Emily and Sarah Witty.

The Bulldogs were able to get a goal of their own late in the half. It was too little, too late for Southwestern though. The Rangers managed to close out their season with a 2-1 victory over rival Southwestern.

The Rangers finished with an 8-7-3 overall record. “I felt like the season went really well,” said Mahaffey after the game, “finishing 8-7-3 was awesome. I feel like we started off strong then hit a rough patch there in the middle of the season. Then towards the end it was good to see my girls fight back to start playing the way we are capable of playing.” It was Mahaffey’s first winning season as head coach for the Rangers.

In the time following the game, the seniors shared their thoughts and also memories during their time playing at Northwestern.

IMG_0253O’Toole said her favorite memory was “getting to endure long, painful, tiring hours with a group of girls that I’ll never forget.” She also added, “Being at Northwestern has taught me that you keep fighting no matter what the outcomes are.”

“It has been a great experience, from playing with the girls to playing under Coach (Mahaffey). It has all been great,” said Herian. “All of it was a great memory with the soccer girls. Also, of course the win against Southwestern was great as well,” Herian added.

“Our entire life has revolved around soccer. I loved having my family there with me to see me start and end my career on a high note with a winning season and victory against our rival. I am sad it is over, but I am excited to start a new chapter as well,” said Sarah Witty.

Emily Witty said, “I was excited to play in front of my family, but sad that it was my last time to play with my teammates. My favorite memory playing soccer here would have to be scoring my two goals against Newman my junior year to get the school’s first Division II win in soccer. The excitement on the girls’ faces to get that win made me feel so great.”

“It has had its ups and downs, but many more ups than downs,” said Thompson. “Winning as many games as we did this year made it a great last year to remember. Everyone worked really hard and put in a lot of effort.” Her favorite memory at Northwestern was the trips that the team would take; “The bus rides, getting to go to a Brantley Gilbert concert, seeing the Cardinals play in Missouri and stepping on the field with my teammates were all times that are truly unforgettable.”

Trotter said, “Playing soccer throughout the years here at Northwestern has given me a unique experience I wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise. My favorite memory would have to be this year on our away trips. The bus rides were always entertaining.”

Iranzo said that her favorite memory is “just spending time with this group of girls that I will never forget. Playing here at Northwestern has been an awesome experience.”

“It is always a very sad day when it comes to the seniors’ last day,” Mahaffey said. “You form a bond with them so it is hard to see them go, especially after seeing these girls every day for the last four years.

“I have a specific memory that I will never forget with each of the seniors. As a whole though I will never forget the look on their faces when we held practice in the snow; that was priceless.”

Mahaffey had some words of encouragement for them as well. “The seniors will be greatly missed and even if it is just from the sidelines, they are still all a part of this team. They left an imprint on this team and my advice is to always stay involved one way or another with your love of the sport.”