Online Writer

Why do college students get parking tickets? Really, is it not enough that we have to pay for tuition, books, food, gas and all the other expenses that come with being a college student? And then to be slapped with a parking ticket. It makes no sense to me. Some of us have to drive around several times before we even find a parking spot and not to mention we’ll be late for class if we don’t park soon. When we finally find an open spot we race to get it before anyone else does and it’s marked for faculty only. We don’t dare to park there either, because like me and many other college students we must face the consequence of a $10  or $20 ticket. Some of us don’t even have jobs while in college and the some of us who do don’t make very much because we don’t work very many hours because again we are COLLEGE STUDENTS.  So how do they expect us to pay for that parking ticket? Sometimes we have no other choice but to park in a no-parking spot or a faculty-only spot; we don’t do it on purpose (most of the time), but with five minutes before class starts there is really no other choice. I don’t see why the school feels the need to have to take more of our money than they already have. I understand professors and faculty need parking too but, why not make a parking lot just for them and a separate one just for students or make the student parking bigger.

It’s not easy being a college student and this is just another hardship we must face, I just wish the school would see what we go through every day. They were all college students at one point, they know how tight money was at that time so they more than anybody should understand.