Online Writer

This question is one many people are asking each other every day.  In my opinion yes, Facebook is highly overrated and here are two reasons why I think that.

Fake friends suck. Facebook seems to be full of self-worshiping, falsely enlightened fake people. Of course not everyone that is one Facebook is fake but a lot are. These people will not take the time to comment or talk to someone else unless that someone belongs to their network. That’s why some people will only look at your status and the pictures you post, but they will never comment or even give it a like. We are guilty of doing that so don’t try to deny it.

Bombardment of Facebook apps, games, and quizzes. No, I don’t want to join your mobster team. No, I don’t I don’t want to join your “group” or take a bunch of meaningless quizzes. And I especially don’t want to play your game.  Sure, a few quizzes and games are fun and entertaining once in a while and I’ve played a few myself. But no one likes to see 20 game requests as soon as they open their Facebook.

Like all social media they all have good and bad. Facebook is good in the way that you get to connect with friends and family that you don’t see or live maybe on the other side of the country or even the other side of the world. Facebook is also bad; many people use Facebook as a way to spy on people they don’t even like. Some will just accept or send a Facebook friend request just to look through that person’s profile. But yet when they run into that person at the store they will pretend like they don’t know each other.

So yea in my opinion Facebook is highly overrated.