Student Reporter

We all like to think we are honest people. Well at least most do unless you’re in the business of lying or stealing like maybe a politician or lawyer (just kidding). To some certain extent, most people always try to be as honest as they possibly can be.

So let me put a few scenarios in front of you. If you were walking down the street and found a wallet on the ground, would you look inside to find an I.D. and then try to return it or would you also see if there was any money inside? If there was a large amount of money, what then?

How about if you go to the store and buy some things and upon returning home realize that they didn’t charge you for an item. Does it matter if the item was very or not-very expensive do you go back and pay for the item?

How about if you walk into a restaurant and or café and are trusted to scan your card to pay for your meal and there is no one there to make sure you actually do it? Do you just walk in and eat anyway without paying?

Now I don’t know how people would react to the first two scenarios but I can tell you about the third. I have sat in the Coronado Café in the morning and seen several people walk in, look and see no one at the register and simply walk in and eat without paying. This is a simple crime of theft but mostly it is a testament to the person’s character.

What people do not realize is that in some of the jobs that they are here in college preparing for, there will be a thing called an interview, and at this interview, there may be several people that are just as qualified as you are that are seeking the same job. Therefore, an employer uses a thing called a lie detector test to weed out potential untrustworthy candidates. So when asked if you have ever stolen anything what will your answer be? In addition, some jobs in which you may have to deal with sensitive material or valuable property the test is mandatory.

Do not let a simple act of theft keep you from becoming the person that you want to be. Sometimes it is the little things in our lives that we regret the most. Look at it from a point of view that everything we do in our lives we should ask this question: Is it the right thing to do?