
NewMovieReviewBloody hell! Grab a cup of tea and a tasty crumpet. We are reviewing one smashing flick this week!

“Kingsmen: The Secret Service” (2014)


Chris’ Review-

4.5 umbrellas out of 5

So you know what’s better than America’s secret intelligence? Almost any other country’s agency. This movie puts that on full display as we dive into the fictional, yet somewhat believable, tale of England’s version of the CIA. The Kingsmen, who are even more secretive than MI6, are the cream of the crop when it comes to the spy world. So lets get on with it, governor.

This film was definitely making fun of the outlandishness of other spy movies, especially James Bond. From a super villain with a fear of blood and a distaste for murder, to heads exploding in an array of vivid colors, this film picks at all the dumb parts of classic spy movies that we all love. And that is perfectly aye with me.

Many people may not know this, but this film is based off a comic book series, and a Marvel company owns that comic book series, also being the same guys that brought us Kick-Ass. That being said, I really didn’t expect anything less than great. Samuel L. Jackson makes an amazing villain by anyone’s standards, and Colin Firth and Taron Egerton were both great spies in their own regard, one being the wise mentor and the other being the rambunctious youth. Plus, a small role from Michael Caine never hurt a film. Am I right, Christopher Nolan?

So here’s the bottom line. If you are into the kind of gritty, raw, R-rated superhero movie that has recently been coming to light, go watch this movie. It’s funny, sexy, and actually quite action-packed. If you prefer your heroes to wear a star on their chest and stand for the American way of life, you still have two more months to wait.


Natalie’s Review-

4 umbrellas out of 5

It’s like James Bond, but more fun; Austin Powers, but much smarter. “Kingsmen: The Secret Service” is very self-aware of the cliché world of spy movies into which it is delving and chooses to combat the stereotypes by embracing and spoofing them.

The film is highly entertaining and enjoyable… and a ton of fun. The unique style is comparable to that of Quentin Tarantino: quirky and sharp, never dull. If you’re a fan of the obscure, this film is for you.

There’s a line in the film that says a spy movie is only as good as its villain. In this aspect, this movie succeeds. Samuel L. Jackson plays one of the most effective villains of film history, right up there with Darth Vader, the shark from “Jaws,” and the iceberg in “Titanic.” His character is delightfully strange, complete with a lisp and a crippling fear of blood. His sidekick is a vicious and athletic woman with razor-blade prosthetic legs. I told you it gets weird.

Our favorite secret agents are played by Colin Firth and Taron Egerton. Firth is wonderful, as usual, and Egerton is sure to be a rising star.

“Kingsmen: The Secret Service” is humorous and quirky, with enough action for the most bloodthirsty of folks. Speaking of which, beware all ye squeamish of bloodshed; you’ll have to look away from the screen on occasion.

Bottom Line: “Kingsmen: The Secret Service” is offensive and witty, rude and intelligent, delightful and disgusting, so definitely go check it out.