
We woke up on this bright, beautiful Thursday morning to covered ground. It was almost like you could see the grass smiling and growing. Today is a good day in most of Oklahoma;  we are so thankful for the rain and the sun shine.

Over the last several years northwest Oklahoma has been in a severe drought and we are still in it but every little drop the good Lord gives us helps. As I drove to school today I looked out into a wheat field to see it standing up right and not all wilted over and turning brown on the ends. To a farmer the rain is like money because without it he can’t water his cows or his crops won’t grow. That means he won’t be able to sell the cows or harvest the grains to sell. That is how he makes his living so without the rain he can’t make money to feed his family.

Last night we got a half inch of rain and so far this year we have gotten 2 inches.  This is well under our average; in the month of March alone we average 2 inches. I feel bad and send prayers to the families in Moore and in Tulsa that were affected by the tornadoes. Moore was just now getting back on its feet  and this happened.