
Those of you with SnapChat see the national snaps put together by team SnapChat.  A few weeks ago they did something extraordinary, they unified the world with “Wear Yellow for Seth”,
When Seth was born, doctors discovered that he had no immune system, and has had to be kept in sterile, germ-free isolation from the outside world.

Seth loves fireman Sam and the color yellow.  After the attempt of a lifesaving bone marrow transplant went wrong it would appear that Seth would in remain in his “bubble” of isolation alone. But on March 27 it was clear that Seth is not alone.  The hashtag “#WearYellowForSeth” went viral, from overseas, everyday citizens to celebrities, snapping and tweeting pictures of themselves in yellow to show their support.

This is a beautiful thing to see people of all races, religions and cultures come together to shine a little happiness on this little boy’s day.  To learn how to donate bone marrow please visit; your donation could help save someone like Seth!