
10923605_10202148252747456_6384852991696461339_nSo recently I am walking into my afternoon class, I take a seat and get ready for the day’s lesson. One of my friends walks in and asks me if I noticed a pair of woman’s underwear left right next to the door.

Apparently I walked right past them, and my first thought is that there is no way that any girl would really leave her underwear on the floor for the world to see. I go back to the door and lo and behold, there they are just lying there.

To be honest, I went through stages of shock, confusion, disgust and just plain amusement all at the same time. When you think about the circumstances a girl must have been in to leave her underwear on the floor of a building on campus the whole situation is pretty hilarious. But my question is, what excuse does a girl really have to leave her underwear anywhere?

Listen, I am by no means naïve. I completely understand that we are all in college, we are young and we have hormones that are constantly raging. By definition of every college movie ever created it is pretty much expected and assumed that young adults are fornicating left and right.

Oddly enough, I have heard that this particular pair of underwear is only one of many that have been left lying around Northwestern’s campus. Honestly ladies, come on!

If you are planning on spicing things up with that special someone please just keep it within the confines of your dorm room. Even if for some reason you really feel the need to wander from you room, please make sure you at least clean up after yourself. No one needs to see a pair of dirty underwear on their way to class, because for some reason it can just really bring down a day.

Let us all strive to keep it as classy as we can, ladies!