Feature Editor

Artists have the ability to take this world’s beauty and transform it into a tangible form, whether that be on paper, canvas, with clay or a variety of other mediums. A group of talented and creative artists exists on the Northwestern Oklahoma State University campus, and they call themselves the NWOSU Art Society (NAS).

This organization has existed on campus since 2004 with a unified goal “to promote creativity, have fun, try different mediums, expand [their] knowledge, make friends, and serve [their] community,” according to their goal statement.

NWOSU Art Society was created with the intention of giving students interested in the visual arts a chance to collaborate and share their works with other creative individuals. The NAS typically meets at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings in Jesse Dunn 327.

During meetings, members play games, collaborate on works, and plan future events. Such events include prize drawings at home basketball games, community service events, and their annual art show.

Megan Garnett, a junior mass communications major, has been a part of NWOSU Art society for the past two years. She enjoys numerous aspects of the club, particularly that it “has given me a place to share my love of art with great people who have the same passions. It’s definitely helped me make really valuable friendships and connections,” said Garnett.

Angelia Case serves as the advisor to NWOSU Art society, and she encourages students to join, even if they feel their artistic abilities may not be sufficient.

“We have students who worry that they cannot even draw a straight line. But I don’t really care whether or not you can draw a straight line. Curvy ones are more interesting anyway.”

Any Northwestern Oklahoma State University student with any level of artistic ability is welcome to join this club.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining NWOSU Art Society, you can contact Angelia Case for more information at   580-327-8577 or