Feature Editor

They are perhaps the most underpraised and underappreciated individuals on campus; yet they are the superheroes of sweeping, the marvels of mopping, the winners of washing.

They ensure cleanliness and comfort in our buildings.

They take on unpleasant tasks and strenuous work hours… Yet how often do we, as students and employees of NWOSU, take the time to thank our custodians?

For those of you who just felt a tiny pang of guilt, now is your chance to thank these hard working individuals!

Friday is Custodian Appreciation Day, and the perfect opportunity for us to show gratitude to these underappreciated staff on campus.

Not only should we express thanks to our custodians, there are also many little things we can do to help make their jobs a little easier.

Mary Barker, custodian of the science building, encourages all to not “throw drinks in the trashcans that have liquid in them.”

Leslee Bradt, custodian of Fine Arts, agreed in saying, “a lot of times those cups leak and make a mess. Just dump them in the bathroom sinks before you throw them in the trash. Also, don’t have food or drinks in the rooms your not supposed to have them in,” said Bradt.

Marvina “Marty” Molby of Shockley Hall and the Education Center, reminds students that, “your mother doesn’t live here.” She says that not leaving papers all over the floor would help her immensely.

Jeffery Lee, custodian of Jesse Dunn, wants students to know that “every little bit counts. I would love our jobs to be recognized. We work hard to keep this college clean, and I have pride in the hard work that I do too.” One thing that Jeffery says would help is making sure one wipes their feet off when entering the building, rather that tracking in dirt.

Debbie Anderson is the custodial supervisor of NWOSU. She encourages students to be “mindful of trash. When a trashcan is full, take it to a different one or to a dumpster, instead of piling on more.

Anderson would also like to extend her gratitude to the hard work of the NWOSU custodians. “I appreciate all of the custodians who have gone above and beyond in helping out while we’ve been short-handed. They are awesome.”

So don’t simply express gratitude this Friday; continue to do so every day. And don’t forget, you can do your part to help as well.