Student Writer

If you are like me and could eat breakfast food for every meal, then the all-day breakfast menu at McDonald’s probably brightened your day.

For those of you who haven’t heard yet; the new menu which was supposed to be implemented on October 6, but opened earlier in Alva on September 29,

McDonald’s now offers a few of their breakfast food option for every meal! This includes Hotcakes, Hash browns, and either breakfast McMuffins or Biscuits (depending on local preference).

For Alva, McMuffins are the choice of the community. McDonald’s clearly took the phrase

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” and is changing it to “Breakfast is the only important meal of the day.”

So you may be asking yourself: “How will this change my life?”

Well let me tell you! Imagine waking up on Saturday morning at 10:25. Instead of thinking, “OH NO, I missed out on a delicious, buttery McDonald’s Hotcake.”

You will think, “Hmmm, I can still sleep another few hours before having to make my trek to McDonald’s for a savory sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit.”

This will create a world of happy, over-rested individuals. This means more patience and less hostility. Crime will drop. Road rage will be extinct.

There will be no more political feuds! We may be on the brink of the most peaceful time in human history.

As George Bernard Shaw said, “There is no sincerer love than the love of food.”