
We love Northwestern. We all have grown up here, graduated here, or have family from here, and it is a great place. That is what Alva businesses had to say about why they partake in the Ranger Homecoming Button sale. I love how much this town cares about its college.

Now I bet we all know about the Ranger Button sale going on, and I for one was curious as to why businesses had taken part in this sale, what do those businesses have to gain? Why would they support NWOSU? What made them decide to take part in these fundraisers? When did they start taking part in the fundraiser?

I set off to ask some of these businesses and employees what their thoughts were on the matter.

After walking in and being very nice, Cheryl Brown the manager of Brown’s Shoe Fit was kind enough to let me interview her.

She tells me that her business has been going since 1972. She says that reason she says that partakes in the button sale is because it gets the people involved, even if the people don’t go to the games then they still get to be a part of it all.

She says keep it local, that is what her goal is. To get people to see there are businesses in Alva and they are worth the time of the people. This fundraiser just helps people in the right direction to figuring this out.

Next I walked to the Rialto to find Brandon Ellis working. I found this to be the perfect moment to get the thoughts of an employee. Brandon, or “Big Red” says that he has worked at the Rialto for about a year.

He says that he thinks that Jesse Jones, his manager, does it because he is a past alumni and because fundraisers are something that Jesse always tries to take part in, that Jesse loves to help the town in any way possible.

I asked Dee Weibener owner of LaDeeDa whether or not she thought that the Ranger Button brought in much business, she had this to say, “Yes I think that it is a positive thing for homecoming and especially for local people to get discounts”.

I asked whether she tended to get a lot more business or not because of this button, “I usually get parents of students at the college or relatives of students at the college”

After talking with all these businesses, I think it’s fair to say that without our college, Alva wouldn’t survive.

I love the support Alva has given to our school. It shows that we truly are one big family. Have a great Homecoming!